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About Us
was established in 2001,specializing in electronic components distribution. As a one of the largest independent stocking distributors and agent of electronic components, providing comprehensive supply chain solutions to OEMs and contract manufacturers worldwide. As an experienced supplier,There are more than 700 brand manufacturers distributed, and the long-term stock supply exceeds more than 3 million stocks.We have good reputation in Europe and Asia with most competitive channels are: TI,ST, AD, ON, AD,NXP,OMRON Samsung,AMD-Xilinx,ATMEL,MICROCHIP and others. The electronic components we sell are only sourced from authorized agents, distributors or original manufacturers. We guarantee that each chip is 100% new and original brand. Based on the global supply chain, we have provided high-quality products and services to more than 50,000 global customers.Our head office is in shenzhen
Personalized and attentive service from specialists
Long-term cooperation withworld-class suppliers
Massive inventory data is transmitted in real time
Fast delivery of selected logistics around the world
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